Child Behavior Disorder Therapy in Los Angeles


Behavior disorders can create major disruptions in the lives of you and your child. From difficulty concentrating to tantrums and violence, behavior disorders come in a variety of styles.

Continue reading to learn the marks of the most common disorders and how to treat them.

1 in 6 children in the US will be diagnosed with a behavior disorder before they turn 18.

Nearly every child will have a tantrum in his or her life. Crying, kicking, and generally being defiant in certain situations is fairly normal behavior.

But for many kids, these behaviors are more frequent, much stronger, and don't seem to be going away. In these cases, the child may have a behavior disorder.

Behavior disorders are very common in children and range from attention issues to anger and, in extreme cases, violence. This type of behavior can take an extreme toll on the family, damaging relationships and reinforcing the negative actions.

The good news is that behavior disorders can be treated. Through treatment, practice, and (in certain cases) medication, your child can once again live a healthy, happy life.

Information on Behavior Disorders


Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

Get in touch if you think therapy is right for your child